Three Things You Must Know Before Buying a Land for Industrial Hemp

Since the legalization of cannabis in some states in the U.S., the hemp business started to boom. According to LandHub, the agricultural lands used for hemp production has increased dramatically, from 27,000 to 128,500, roughly speaking. This venture may be a promising path to follow, but growing industrial hemp can be a challenge for people such as farmers, real estate personnel, and even investors. What are the things you need to consider before searching for a hemp land for sale to establish your empire?

What Kind of Industrial Hemp Products Do You Want to Produce?

Working on a long-term strategy involves choosing the variety of crops you want to produce to meet your goals and demand. The Cannabis Sativa is the principal strain where marijuana and hemp are derived, which are grown and bred for different purposes. Marijuana and hemp have confused tons of people, thinking that they are just the same. They’re not! Hemp has 0.3% THC or less, while marijuana has a higher dosage. In choosing the right crops to produce, consider the following hemp crops:

  • Industrial hemp – this cannabis strain is grown and harvested for industrial uses. They are raw materials (paper, textile, ropes, fiberboard, biodegradable plastics, fuel, etc.) 
  • Medical Marijuana – produced for medical purposes, such as a prescription drug for epilepsy, nausea, glaucoma, and PTSD
  • CBD oil – this hemp crop became popular due to its claims to treat several illnesses (musculoskeletal pains, depression, acne, etc.) 
  • Recreational cannabis – the best among the rest. Used for recreation, the production of this crop has is now legal in multiple states.

 Who Is Your Target Market?

One of the most significant dilemmas hemp farmers had is the overproduction of hemp crops due to unplanned circumstances. Before planting your vegetables, it is wise to do a pre-planning first – know your target market, know how much to produce, and know how to use the crops effectively.

What Are the Growth Conditions to Follow?

Hemp may be a wonder crop, but it’s known to be one of the most difficult to grow. It is susceptible to mold, a bio-accumulator (absorbs elements around it), and hard to manage to the regulations of some state regarding the right THC levels. If it exceeds 0.3%, it’s illegal (in some states). 

Choosing the right crops, target market, and growing conditions may be time-consuming, but it sure is profitable.